Camping vs Glamping: All You Need To Know

Camping vs Glamping

When it comes to exploring options for spending time in nature, the options are numerous. Of all, camping and glamping are the two most popular ones. For some, enjoying some laid-back time for themselves in the lap of Mother Nature with some basic essentials is what they require. While others might be looking for a number of facilities to do the same. This is where the difference between both of these options arises.

The main point of separation between both of these outdoor experiences is the level of amenities and comfort provided to the individual. Camping is basically a form of outdoor recreation that involves an overnight stay in a temporary shelter called a tent. On the other hand, glamping is often referred to as glam camping, which is basically a luxurious way of camping but with a number of amenities.

In glamping, you can have anything ranging from shipping containers to converted helicopters, etc. for your stay, while for camping, you need to carry your own tent and have to build it out as well. While camping may cause a bit of hassle for you, glamping, on the other hand, offers a much more instant experience. To help you reduce the blurriness that you might be having in regards to the key differences between camping and glamping, take a look at the following points of distinction.

1. Accommodation Type

Accommodation Type

Camping: In camping, generally, you are required to live either in a tent, camper van, or RV (recreational vehicle). And the kind of facilities that you get with it are all minimalist. You will have just the essentials with you, like sleeping bags, a stove for cooking, and a portable toilet (if you go in an RV or camper van). Plus, you will be required to set up the tents on your own. Based on your own liking and preference, you will be able to choose a remote location of your own to experience nature in its simplistic form.

Glamping: In it, you will get a lot of variety in regards to the type of accommodation that you will get. Usually, the glamping accommodation includes just a framed shelter, pre-built tents, decked-out RVs, cabins, or yurts acting as a temporary resthouse. But in it, you will be getting facilities such as electricity, refrigerators, furniture, beds, linens, cooling and heating systems, and at times even private bathrooms as well. These spots are often regarded as comfortable and luxurious accommodations. And in most cases, the glamping spots are located just a short walk from various well-known attractions and restaurants.

2. Location


Camping: The exact location where you will be setting up your camp can’t be precise, as it depends upon the preference of an individual as to where he wants to build out his camp. It might be based on a remote wilderness location or a campground with basic facilities. In contrast to what people normally think about camping, it offers an excellent opportunity for individuals to set up their camp in a scenic location where they can enjoy nature at its best, listening to the sounds of the wilderness. While choosing a location for yourself, don’t just go for the usually chosen locations; go for a distinctive one that provides you with complete peace of mind.

Glamping: In it, you will get to live in some luxurious accommodations such as tiny homes, tree houses, safari tents, and yurts. The glamping arrangements are often made at some of the most accessible locations that offer a really picturesque view to all individuals living in them. Many of the glamping sites are located near various popular tourist destinations, which makes them easily reachable by even a car. This allows them to spend some quality time in nature while getting all the basic and modern facilities for themselves. By choosing to opt for glamping instead of camping, you allow yourself to enjoy a multitude of benefits.

3. Amenities Offered

Amenities Offered

Camping: In this case, you are most likely to sacrifice a bit when it comes to getting basic amenities. But you need not worry, as this is what camping is all about, i.e., getting back to basics and close to nature, all while escaping your busy daily life. So be ready to pack your essentials from home only when going out to set up a camp at a chosen location of yours. For it, consider fire rings or grills, portable picnic tables, sleeping bags, appropriate clothing, cookware, and more.

Glamping: In most cases, you are going to get a feeling of being away from home. Amenities like electricity, wifi, refrigerators, running water, cooling and heating systems, furniture, beds, linens, flushing toilets, hot showers, and even spa services might be there for you while you’re there. By getting all these facilities, one is for sure going to get a very luxurious feel for themselves. Other additional amenities that you might get include voice-controlled lighting, temperature control systems, and an outdoor kitchen.

4. Food and Dining

Food and Dining

Camping: Under it, you will be required to bring cooking gear and your own food to eat. Other than that, you can also opt for bringing some raw food for yourself that you will cook over a campfire or portable stove. For bravehearts, hunting for your meal is also a desirable option that one can opt for. Other than that, a common practice worth following is to collect firewood and roast marshmallows on it to enjoy the open fire while camping. If you are unsure about your cooking skills, remember to carry some pre-packaged or canned food meals with you.

Glamping: In it, you are most likely to get a very diverse dining option for yourself that ranges from self-catering options with fully equipped kitchens to on-site restaurants and gourmet catering services as well. The overall dining experience of the individuals will be fully tailored to their preferences. For storing your prepared food, you are most likely to get a refrigerator that can be used for this purpose. Under it, you will be getting to taste some of the most fresh, locally sourced meals and other delicacies. If nothing from the above suits you, opt for preparing something of your own to showcase your culinary genius.

5. Level of Comfort

Level of Comfort

Camping: This sort of outing requires more preparation and thus might not be suitable for every individual, especially for those having some kind of mobility issue or specific comfort requirements in regards to their medical condition. For sleeping, you need to carry a sleeping bag or an air mattress. Degrading your overall comfort level, the elements and potential of wildlife encounters are always there. Being a back-to-nature experience, your comfort is most likely to be sacrificed. For facilities like showers and toilets, you might need to adjust for yourself.

Glamping: Under it, you will be able to enjoy a great level of comfort and convenience, all while enjoying the wonders of nature. Offering you more comfortable encounters, beds are typically provided with comfortable furnishings. Other than that, you will be getting to enjoy other amenities like private bathrooms and hot showers that will add to the overall level of comfort that you will enjoy at the chosen glamping site.

6. Activities and Entertainment

Activities and Entertainment

Camping: For it, the modes of entertainment are not so many. Individuals usually focus on outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, fishing, dancing, birdwatching, wildlife watching, geocaching, campfire songs, and wildlife watching to spend their time. All these activities allow the individual to enjoy nature at its fullest while enjoying it with their friends and family. If you have built your camp around a lake or a river, you can also go kayaking or canoeing. Other than that, you can also opt for playing games like volleyball, frisbee, badminton, or other outdoor games.

Glamping: There are a lot of activities and entertainment options that you get from glamping. It includes yoga sessions, outdoor movie screenings, guided nature walks, spa treatments, and sometimes even live music or cultural performances based on the liking of the individuals going camping. If your glamping site is based in a scenic area, you can go for options like hiking and exploring, swimming, kayaking, or canoeing. Other than that, you can simply relax on the patio or balcony of your glamping site. If you have some extra time, opt for other entertaining options like spa treatments, wine tastings, or even a yoga or meditation class.

7. Price Difference

Price Difference

Camping: When it comes to pricing, camping is generally on the lower side and thus a more affordable outdoor accommodation option for an individual to consider. In it, you are responsible for managing your own supplies and food that you will carry to the camping location. Other reasons for it being budget-friendly are the fewer amenities and services. At times, you might need to get some permits before setting up your camp at a chosen location, if they are made mandatory by the authorities. The season in which you choose to go camping also affects the price that you will pay for all the equipment. In the peak season, you are most likely to experience much higher prices than what you will be paying in the off-season.

Glamping: In general, this form of accommodation is quite expensive, as evidenced by the number of amenities and luxurious facilities offered. Still, the prices can vary based on the chosen glamping site. Despite being costly, every penny spent is worth the price paid, as it helps the individual get full returns. Plus, if the campsite is located near a popular tourist destination, it will cost a bit more than other ones. The length of stay and how long you are going to stay for glamping will also affect the overall cost that you will pay for it.

8. Overall Experience

Overall Experience

Camping: This sort of outing adventure is more about self-reliance, challenge, and connecting with nature than just going on an adventure. To make your time much better and worth spending, consider taking your time to set up your tent in a proper manner that will make it easier to sleep peacefully, cook your stuff in a proper manner, and enjoy it fully. If you have knowledge about basic camping skills like fire-building, navigating with a map, and cooking outdoors, it’ll help you build confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Glamping: It involves a comfortable and luxurious way of experiencing the outdoors, all without sacrificing your comfort at all. The amount of comfort that you get in a glamping accommodation is much greater than what you get in camping. Amenities like clean linens, plush beds, electricity, and a private bathroom can significantly enhance your overall experience. The kind of service that you get at a glamping site is much better than other outing types. Plus, having access to a number of on-site planned entertainment and activities allows the individual to make their glamping trip more exciting.

Wrapping Up

Despite sounding the same, there’s a whole lot of difference that both of these outing activities carry. They carry their own kind of charm and wilderness. In camping, you just go outdoors in nature to build your own tent, where you will be spending some of your days. On the other hand, in glamping, you’ll be heading to a luxury-infused wilderness site that really is the epitome of wilderness. Regardless of what you choose, you won’t feel much difference in your overall experience, as both of them function quite similarly. So choose from both of these activities whatever suits you the best to enjoy living in nature fully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do they call it glamping?

This outdoor adventurous activity combines two words, i.e., “camping” and “glamorous,” to denote it as glamorous camping. In this sort of camping, you get to enjoy the outdoors, but in a more stylish and comfortable manner. Unlike camping, in glamping, you stay in a yurt, a treehouse, or even a tricked-out canvas tent. And when it comes to amenities offered, they are much better than what you normally find at a traditional campsite, i.e., comfy beds, electricity, running water, and other fancier facilities.

Is glamping a luxury?

Yes, in general, glamping is linked to luxury. All of the associated accommodations, comforts, amenities, and services are carved out in such a manner as to provide a great level of overall modern camping experience. Under glamping, you are not required to sleep on the ground; instead, you sleep on comfy beds. Plus, you also get the privilege of enjoying other facilities as well, such as en-suite bathrooms, electricity, and much more. The accommodations offered are designed in a very stylish and luxurious manner so as to make them a real luxury for all who opt for them. Other related services include resort-style services such as pre-prepared meals, housekeeping, and spa treatments as well.

Is glamping like camping?

Yes, glamping is a kind of camping, but with a modern and glamorous touch. In both adventures, you will be staying outdoors for a particular period of time, but the overall experience that you get from them is quite different. Some people quote glamping as an upscale camping experience with added comfort and luxury. In camping, for accommodation, you have to set up your own tent, whereas in glamping, you will be either given a framed shelter, pre-built tents, decked-out RVs, cabins, or just a yurt that you can stay in. The amenities that you get will also differ a lot. For instance, in camping, you will be responsible for bringing in your own set of supplies and will have to deal with activities like cooking and cleaning on your own. On the other hand, in glamping, you will have a lot of luxury and convenience given to you, and amenities like furniture, running water, comfy beds, electricity, and en-suite bathrooms will be there. When it comes to pricing, camping is usually a budget-friendly option in comparison to glamping, which sits on the costlier side.

Does glamping have toilets?

Usually, all glamping accommodations do provide toilets with them. This happens so as to bridge the gap between traditional camping and the comforts of home. The types of toilets that one usually gets in it include flush toilets, composting toilets, en-suites, and even shared bathroom facilities. It’s always advised to check what kind of toilet facilities you will be getting on a particular glamping trip.

What type of people go glamping?

In most cases, glamping is preferred by those individuals who share a fondness for nature and want to go on an outdoor adventure but also want to enjoy the facilities that they get at home, like comfy beds, furniture, and other amenities like electricity and much more. The unique accommodations and services offered at glamping sites act as a wonderful romantic getaway for couples seeking time together. For first-timers to camping who are unsure about what it seems like, they can first go with glamping, which will act as a perfect introduction for them.

What do I need to know before I go camping?

Start by choosing a location for your campsite where you will be setting up your tent. This location must be based on your preferences and the nearby activities available. After doing so, carry other essentials with you, like sleeping gear, clothing, some prepared or packed meals, and any other item that you find necessary to be carried. Don’t forget to learn about various safety measures, like fire safety, wildlife safety, sun protection, etc. For entertainment purposes, you can go with activities like hiking, swimming, fishing, or exploring the nearby areas. Camping is one of the best ways to disconnect from technology and relax in nature.

What is the rule #1 of camping?

Rule #1, or the most crucial rule of camping, is to leave no trace behind after you are done with camping. This is also referred to as the golden rule of camping. For it, you will be aiming to minimise your impact on the environment and leave the campsite in the condition you found it in. So don’t forget to pack out all your trash, properly extinguish any ignited fire, and respect all wildlife and plants. Other than that, don’t forget to respect your fellow campers by giving them their due privacy and remaining mindful of the noise levels.

How do I learn to go camping?

For beginners, the best way to learn to go camping is to first opt for going glamping, as it will help you get along with all the rules and know-hows of camping without sacrificing much of your comfort. Other possibilities include going camping, but with a friend or family member of yours who has already camped before. Or you can also become a part of a camping club or group wherein you will be meeting experienced campers to learn new skills and know-hows of camping.

What do you need to go camping?

Some essentials that you need to carry with you for camping include a shelter (tent), sleeping gear, campfire gear, cooking gear, food and water, clothing, a flashlight, toiletries, and sun protection. Other than these, you can also carry other useful commodities like a camera, games, and books for relaxation.

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