Camping equipment stores are specialty shops that cater to the needs of outdoor enthusiasts. These stores offer a wide range of products and gear for camping, hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities. They carry essential equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, cooking utensils, and outdoor apparel, among others. Camping equipment stores also provide expert advice on the best products and gear for specific outdoor activities. Many of these stores offer rental services for camping gear, which can be a convenient option for those who only go camping occasionally or who want to try out different types of equipment before purchasing. Many camping equipment stores also have online shops that offer delivery services, making it easier for customers to purchase their desired equipment from the comfort of their own homes.
Check out our list of best camping equipment stores in Gold Coast where to find all your camping essentials. From tents and sleeping bags to cooking gear and outdoor clothing, these stores have everything you need for your next camping adventure
1. 4WD Supacentre Varsity Lakes

With over 300 products to choose from, 4WD Supacentre Varsity Lakes offer reliable and durable camping equipment that has been thoroughly tested. Their passionate and professional staff are always on hand to provide expert customer assistance. And with budget-friendly prices, the 4WD Supacentre store is the perfect place to stock up on all your camping essentials. Open 7 days a week, you can visit their store to personally evaluate the quality of their products and get personalized assistance for your camping needs. Don’t miss out on the best outdoor gear – visit the 4WD Supacentre store today!
⚙️ Services
Selling Camping Equipments | Selling kids Camping Equipments |
⚙️ Payment
Cash | Visa |
Paypal | Zip |
Mastercard |
🕒 Working Hours
Monday | 8:00am–10:00pm |
Tuesday | 8:00am–10:00pm |
Wednesday | 8:00am–10:00pm |
Thursday | 8:00am–10:00pm |
Friday | 8:00am–10:00pm |
Saturday | 8:00am–10:00pm |
Sunday | 8:00am–10:00pm |
Review on Product Review – “Visited the 4WD Supacentre in Campbelltown on the weekend to pick up a few things for our camping setup. Was greeted within a few minutes by one of the sales team, showed them my cart for the online store and she instantly grabbed a trolley and helped we collect all the items and had me on my way in no time. Unpacked all the gear at home (Fridge, Battery, Battery box and Solar Panels) and put it all together and its working flawlessly. Cant wait for our next camping trip and to be able to put it all to a proper test!” – Chris Y
2. Camping Plus

For over 25 years, Camping Plus has been the go-to destination for outdoor enthusiasts looking for high-quality camping equipment at competitive prices. Whether you need a new tent, sleeping bag, or apparel suited for any weather condition, Camping Plus has you covered. With both a physical store in Brisbane and a virtual store, customers from all over can access their extensive range of products. Plus, with free shipping in certain areas and frequent promotions and discounts available through their online store catalogs, Camping Plus makes it easy to stock up on all the essential camping gear you need for your next adventure. Visit them today and start planning your next outdoor excursion with confidence!
⚙️ Services
Selling Clothes for Camping | Sellings Campaning Accessories |
⚙️ Payment
Cash | Paypal |
Visa | Zip |
Master card |
🕒 Working Hours
Monday | 8:30am–5:00pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am–5:00pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am–5:00pm |
Thursday | 8:30am–5:00pm |
Friday | 8:30am–5:00pm |
Saturday | 8:30am–5:00pm |
Sunday | 9:00am–3:00pm |
Review on Google – “Outstanding 🥇. I have made a number of online purchases the last few years, I couldn’t be happier !Great prices, excellent communication,packing care and postage times. Highly recommended 👍 …” – Michael Dean
3. Anaconda

Anaconda was founded in November 2004 to promote outdoor activities in a world increasingly dominated by digital technology. As a one-stop shop for all camping and outdoor adventure equipment, Anaconda is one of the top sporting retailers, offering a wide variety of high-quality products. Their team of experts, experienced in activities such as camping, cycling, and rock climbing, provides the best advice and recommendations to enhance your outdoor experience. Additionally, Anaconda offers visitors the opportunity to test their gear through various activities, ensuring the quality of their products before purchase. It’s a great deal that’s hard to pass up!
⚙️ Services
Camping Accessories | Clothes For Camping |
⚙️ Payment
Afterpay | Paypal |
Visa | G-Pay |
Master card |
🕒 Working Hours
Monday | 8:00am–6:00pm |
Tuesday | 8:00am–6:00pm |
Wednesday | 8:00am–6:00pm |
Thursday | 8:00am–6:00pm |
Friday | 8:00am–6:00pm |
Saturday | 8:00am–6:00pm |
Sunday | 8:30am–5:00pm |
Review on Product Review – “I just had the most amazing customer service from PHIL at the west Burleigh store. He was so helpful, pleasant and went above and beyond for me. So refreshing to see and experience exceptional customer service especially the week before christmas! Thanks Phil you are a legend” – Renae W.
4. Wild Earth

Wild Earth is the ultimate destination for all your camping needs. With an extensive range of top-quality brands at affordable prices, Wild Earth has everything you need for your next outdoor adventure. From backpacks and sleeping bags to tents and cooking utensils, Wild Earth is committed to providing its customers with an unparalleled experience driven by passion and purpose. Their prices are highly competitive, and they offer fast delivery, genuine manufacturer warranties, expert advice from knowledgeable outdoor staff, access to spare parts, a loyalty program, and ongoing customer support and on-location assistance. Shop at Wild Earth for the best camping experience of your life!
⚙️ Services
Camping Equipments | Camping Accessories |
⚙️ Payment
Stripe | Gpay |
American EXpress | Visa Card |
Zip | Paypal |
Afterpay |
🕒 Working Hours
Monday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Tuesday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Wednesday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Thursday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Friday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Saturday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Sunday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Review on Trust Pilot – “I have always found Wild Earth to be utterly reliable, specifically with fast delivery, exchange of returns, description of product and sizing. I can honestly say that Wild Earth is the very first place I look for any of my outdoor clothing and training needs. I have spent a lifetime outdoors this is my go to store for the last ten years, thank you for the professional friendly service.” – M.A. Johnston
5. Outdoors Warehouse

Outdoors Warehouse is the ultimate destination for all your outdoor requirements. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a novice exploring the outdoors, they have everything you need in their broad range of equipment and accessories. From sturdy hiking boots to efficient camping stoves, they only stock high-quality products that are built to withstand the toughest outdoor conditions. Outdoors Warehouse understands the importance of having the right gear while embarking on outdoor adventures, and that’s why they only offer top-notch products. Their inventory is carefully selected to cater to various outdoor activities, so you can find the gear that suits your specific needs. With Outdoors Warehouse, you can confidently pursue your passion for the outdoors knowing that you’re fully equipped with reliable and durable gear.
⚙️ Services
Camping Equipment | Camping Accessories |
⚙️ Payment
Cash | Visa Card |
MasterCard | Paypal |
Afterpay |
🕒 Working Hours
Monday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Tuesday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Wednesday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Thursday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Friday | 9:00am–2:00pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Review on Google – “These guys sell the best gear in the business. Genuine, high-quality knives and exceptional service.” – David Trounce
6. Howling Moon

For more than two decades, outdoor enthusiasts have relied on Howling Moon as a trusted brand. Their camping equipment line is built to endure the extreme conditions of the Australian climate while ensuring comfort and convenience during outdoor exploration. Whether it’s tents or awnings, Howling Moon offers a complete range of high-quality camping gear that caters to your needs. From family camping trips to solo backpacking excursions, they have everything you need for your next adventure.
⚙️ Services
Rooftop Tents | Canvas Tents |
Camping Accessories | Canopies |
⚙️ Payment
Paypal | Zipmoney |
Visa | Master Card |
🕒 Working Hours
Monday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Tuesday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Wednesday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Thursday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Friday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Review on Trip Advisor – “Jerry and the other staff member on the floor the evening that we went took such good care of us! We initially went in for drinks. At the time of our visit there was a catered event after which Jerry offered us the left over Bao buns and spinach rolls! Great service, location and drinks. Would recommend.” – B608QGsallyb
7. Cadetshop Pty Ltd

Cadetshop is a unique online store that caters specifically to the needs of Air Force, Army, and Navy Cadets. They have been granted ministerial approval to retail Australian Defence Force Cadet (ADFC) Uniform items, and are committed to promoting the ADFC to the wider community. Cadetshop believes that the ADFC provides young Australians with exceptional experiences and outcomes, and they are proud to support the organization in any way they can. Unlike other online disposal stores, all of Cadetshop’s products are brand new and come with a guarantee. They offer a wide range of products at varying price points to suit any budget, from tent pegs to embroidery and everything in between.
⚙️ Services
Camping Equipments | Camping Accessories |
⚙️ Payment
Cash | Paypal |
Visa | Master card |
Afterpay |
🕒 Working Hours
Monday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Tuesday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Wednesday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Thursday | 9:00am–4:00pm |
Friday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Saturday | 9:00am–5:00pm |
Sunday | Closed |
Review on Google – “Ordered 2 rank badges and they arrived very quickly, 10/10 would visit again. Good for biv supply’s and tents. Make sure you buy the right pot, I used one for 6 days that was made for water boiling and the rations stuck to the sides” – Alec Poljak
Now, you have collected the best camping equipment stores in Gold Coast. Start planning your adventurous journey with the help of the best assistance and guide offered by these stores. Whether you go alone or with your loved one, quality camping gear essentials are a must for a safe and comfortable journey. That is why we have listed these handfuls of stores after thorough research and public opinion to make them easily accessible to you. Relaxation is the main aim of camping, so wish you to have a wonderful and safe camping experience with the right tools and gear.
Q.1 What Is The Most Important Equipment In A Camping Activity?
A. One of the main factors that make your camping experience good or bad is the availability of camping essentials. Even though you are an experienced adventure freak, leaving home without the right gear can give you a resentful ride toward the emergency room. Whether you are a professional or a beginner, having the right camping gear is a must. So, below we are listing the most important camping equipment.
- A Tent: This is the most basic and significant camping gear. The weather is unpredictable and in case of rain, heavy due, and snowstorm a tent will provide shelter to you and your other gear. As a result, preventing you from drenching and getting sick.
- Sleeping bag: A sleeping bag will help you in providing you with the best sleep at night irrespective of the cold weather. Plus, it will prevent unknown insects from crawling onto you.
- First aid box: Camping doesn’t involve such extreme activities due to which you experience a life-threatening situation. But hiking in forests and hills can result in muscle pain or small cuts and blisters which require antiseptic to eliminate the risk of infection. As a result, a first aid kit is a must.
- Rain gears and a Lamp: Rain gears will prevent you from getting drenched, which can further expose you to the risk of hypothermia. And a lamp is a must to keep your camp space bright.
Also, along with these above-mentioned camping essentials, you will need a map or compass, cooking equipment, lighter, toiletries, etc. to make your camping comfortable and enjoyable.
Q.2 How Do You Store Your Equipment Safely?
A. Camping is not a one-time venture nor do you purchase your camping equipment again and again. So, storing them safely is a smarter move. Storing your camping gear not only minimizes the space they are taking but also prevents them from damage. Following, we are going to share a few ideas on how you can safely store your camping equipment.
- There are a variety of bags available in the market specially designed to keep camping equipment to prevent them from taking up too much space yet safe. Also, you can use a strong and waterproof tote bag as a substitute.
- Use separate waterproof material bags to prevent your electronics from water, moisture, and clustering with other equipment. Also, you can use clear bags for certain items to make them easily accessible for yourself.
Q.3 What Is The Best Brand For Camping Gear?
A. There are a number of high-quality camping gear manufacturers in Australia that make excellent gear for exploring the great outdoors. Popular brands include OZtrail, Tasmanian Tiger, Hiking Country, and Adventure Kings. Be sure to shop around to find the best deals and quality equipment for your next camping trip!
Q.4 What are the 5 W’s of Camping?
A. When you are camping outdoors there are several factors to keep in mind while packing and setting up your camping gear. These factors are called the 5 W’s which are wind, water, widowmakers, wood, and wildlife.
- Wind– Before you start setting up your tent make sure to identify the direction in which the wind is blowing. Blocking the wind is the primary function of the tent, which further helps in preventing the harsh material from coming towards you through the wind.
- Water– During camping situations, you should be mindful of where you are pacing your tent. Residing your tent near water is not a good idea just in case a storm hits. Make sure to pitch your tent above the water location to prevent yourself from flooding.
- Widowmaker– Widowmakers are said to be naturally occurring incidents that can cause possible injury. Avoiding certain things such as pitching the tent under a dead branches tree or setting the camping area near the water. Nature is unpredictable, hence can lead to unforeseen events.
- Wood– Campfire is the main element of camping, woods are the main element required to start the fire. Then you will need a matchstick or lighter to fuel the fire which is one of the essential pieces of equipment for camping. Set up your camp in a location where you can find plenty of woods.
- Wildlife– Before settling up your camping location be aware of the geographical location, there might be the possibility of residence of dangerous animals. So make sure to look thoroughly for any warning animal signs before camping in that area.
Q.5 What Are The Safety Measures For Camping?
A. Camping is a fun activity as you get close to nature. Also, nature is unpredictable and unforeseen at times. That is why it demands safety measures. A few precautionary steps can make your camping experience safe and memorable.
- The first and most important safety measure is to know where you are. Familiarising yourself with the location and knowing the nearby towns or hospitals, and how to get there in case of emergency is the key to safe camping
- Check the weather condition of the location before visiting. In case the weather forecast is showing a lenient amount of changes be sure to pack your rain gear to avoid any unpleasant situation for yourself.
- Make sure to pack a first aid kit that contains necessary items such as antiseptic, bandages, and medication related to any allergies that you might get during hiking. Camping usually does not involve any activity which can be life-threatening but still, you should always keep precautionary items.